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Version 1.2.1 – March 27 2014


Sidebar.html component had a bug where on some occasions the sidebar expanded state would not get memorized correctly in a cookie. This in turn caused layout problem.

While it is just a small correction, it's an important one. We are therefor releasing version 1.2.1 as a stand-alone patch while 1.3 release is still in the works. If you wish to manually update the sidebar.html you would only need to wrap the contents of the JS script element inside a $(document).ready function so it doesn't get executed until the entire page DOM is ready.


Made minor modifications to links pointing to Google CDN so Proton can start up without running it from a web server. Now you can directly open index.html from one of the dist or dist-minified folders. You no longer need to have MAMP, XAMPP or similar web server running. You still need a working internet connection since Proton pulls some files from Google CDN.

Version 1.2 – Feb 3 2014


Intro Page (mobile demo not available but easy to implement): http://proton.orangehilldev.com/intro.html


Session Timeout Page: http://proton.orangehilldev.com/session-timeout.html
Why would you need this and how does it work? Read here


Advanced Search Page: http://proton.orangehilldev.com/advanced-search.html


Tinymce editor added to: Form Components


Sparkline boxes added to: Graphs and Statistics


Bootstrap used with Proton UI has been upgraded to the latest Bootstrap 3.1.0 version. For details on what this upgrade brings please consult the official Bootstrap blog: http://blog.getbootstrap.com/2014/01/30/bootstrap-3-1-0-released/


Sidebar search input - advanced search button is now optional, visible only on the new Advanced Search Page: http://proton.orangehilldev.com/advanced-search.html


Now using "New" and "Update" labels to mark the main menu items which have been added or updated. Also moved error pages to a separate menu group


Image Gallery Uploader page had a couple of CSS bugs visible on mobile devices


Datetimepicker calendar showing up on bottom of page instead of being hidden when not in use


Slider tooltip sometimes failed to show the new value after quickly sliding to a new slider position

Version 1.1 – Dec 6 2013


Login Page


Image Gallery Uploader Page (with drag and drop support)




Autotab Input Fields


Form Validation


File Input Field and Button


Dashboard Widget positions are now preserved in a cookie on every change. Note that each widget must have a unique id attribute for this feature to function. Also, only .proton-widget elements should be allowed inside the .widget-group section. We still recommend that you also save the positions on your backend in the actual app you are building. This way you will prevent sort-order loss in case the cookie gets deleted or expires after a year. The positions are available in proton.dashboard.widgetPositions array declared in dashboard.js


Dashboard Widget size can now be changed via LESS variables in widgets.less file (@widget-width, @widget-height, @widget-gutter). We created an example showing double-width widgets with smaller gutter here: http://proton.orangehilldev.com/example-widgets-larger.html


Sidebar now automatically retracts on medium and small screen sizes, giving more screen real estate to main content


jQuery 2.0.3 (older browsers like IE 8 fall back to 1.10.2)


Summernote text editor updated to v0.4.2, fixed font manipulation bugs in some browsers


Chrome page rendering bug when using web fonts / icons on some windows systems


Graphs not redrawing when expanding / retracting sidebar


Minor tabs stacking problem on mobile devices


Tooltip line height when there is more than one row of text

Version 1.0 – Nov 30 2013

Initial Release